Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quote of the day

Hi everyone, I'm very happy to hear that there are some people reading my blog and they seem to enjoy it.
Thank you.
I'm currently reading a fascinating book "Evolve your brain" by Joe Dispenza what it tells us is that changing our life is as simple as changing our mind. It talks about our brain cells forming neurological connections with each other which leads us to behave and response in ways that are congruent with our external world and the experiences we have collected. In order to change our life and get a different result we need to force our brain to gather new information and form new connections, which isn't that hard to do.
I thought we could run through some of these concepts over the next few weeks and discover together how how easily it can be done. I invite you to come on a little journey with me and please feel free to ask questions and make comments at any time.
If you have trouble commenting on the blog you can send me e-mails on
Talk to you tomorrow.
Cheers Tanja

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