Thursday, March 11, 2010

Exercise No.2

Well how did you go, do you have written down what it is you want to change about yourself?
O.K. then lets get started.
Lets think for a moment about the 'old' you and the area about your riding you want to change. Lets just say its getting over anxiety at competitions.
Go back and think about when it all started. What was the very first thing that happened that you can remember being associated with anxiety at competitions. What was the trigger?
Was it a comment someone made to you about competitions being hard? Or was it maybe the pressure you felt of having to do well? And if it was the pressure did you put this on yourself or did someone else put it on you.Take your time to identify when it all started and document it down.
Talk to you tomorrow.
Cheers Tanja


  1. Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I am following your exercises and I'm still waiting for exercise no. 3. :)
    It's a great idea and I think it really helps me to work on my riding 'problems'.

    greets Jette

  2. Hi Jette,
    I'm so happy you enjoy the blog. Sorry about the late response but I only just worked out how to answer comments. Still learning!!!!!!
    Enjoy and keep the comments comming.
    Cheers Tanja
