Monday, July 26, 2010

How your thoughts effect your riding

If our thoughts create a matching feeling in our body and our body language is made up of how we think and how we feel. Our thoughts need to be purposeful. Before a ride I tell my students to create the lesson in their mind exactly how they want to experience it. If a rider can see themself having a lesson on a calm horse, sitting up straight and riding confidently, they start to feel confident. Confident feelings create confident thoughts. Confident thoughts create confident actions. If a rider feels confident before a lesson they are more likely to be relaxed when they are on the horse. If the rider feels relaxed and thinks relaxed thoughts, there is a good chance the horse will be relaxed as well.
If I teach riders who have lost their confidence, I make it a priority for them to collect 'good experiences'. The more good experiences a rider has and the more memories of good rides, the easier it is to feel confident.
By purposely remembering these 'good experiences', the rider can gradually change their story about riding and their perception of what's going to happen.
That's how you change your reality.

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