Monday, February 22, 2010

Quote of the day

"You get the best out of others when you get the best out of yourself."
- Harvey Firestone, tire executive

I think it's time to share some of my health philosophies with you.
I spent the last three days in Brisbane at a Chiropractic Seminar called DG (Dynamic Growth). It was all about Health, Love and Success.
I have learned about our body's amazing ability to self heal and self regulate. What does that mean?
Well it means that our body has the amazing ability to heal itself and maintain health throughout life. All we have to do is to make sure it can function the way it was designed, without interference. Dis-ease comes when we get out of wack, physically, emotionally and chemically.

Physically - that means get your nervous system checked regularly to make sure that the messages from your brain actually reaches the area of your body it was meant to. Keep it free from interference, also called subluxations. There is nobody more qualified to do this then a Chiropractor.(I'm happy to pass on some names of Chiropractors in your area)

Emotionally - that means to love yourself, using affirmations to keep you on track and searching for lessons and learning's throughout your lifetime. All this and other things we discuss here on the blog will help you to stay balanced and emotionally healthy.

Chemically - the food you eat and the household products you use on a regular basis including shampoo, soaps and insect repellent. Start by reading the labels and look at the ingredients, you might be surprised to find what's in some of the products you thought were safe. Look through the Internet and start to educate yourself and then take appropriate action.

I have realised that in order to stay true to myself I have to share more of MY philosophy with you, some of which you might agree and some of which you won't. Remember it's not about being right or wrong, it's about telling MY TRUTH so you can begin to find your own.
I'm grateful to all you readers for giving me your time and patients
lots of love

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tanja - I'm reading "The brain that changes itself"; if you haven't read it already, I think you'd enjoy it. Regards. Vanessa
